


She is on the verge of insanity. 
She skirts the edges of her mind, 
Her feet just peeking over a skyscraper,
The solid earth below
She is so high. 
Her head could almost graze the clouds.

Behind her,
He reaches out. 
She looks to him,
Expecting to be saved.
His full mouth forms a decisive shape,
Takes a breath, 
And blows her off the edge.

She falls.
Stomach in her throat.
Heart in her ears.
Life in her eyes.

By his eyes she falls,
By his lips she dies.
And dies.


There's nothing wrong with sex, people.


- Having sex every day. 
- Saving sex for your wedding night. 
- Never having sex.
- Having sex with different people.
- Having sex with one person.
- Having sex with a person of your same gender.
- Loving sex. 
- Hating sex. 
- Being loud. 
- Being quiet.

The only thing wrong with sex?

When it’s not consensual.

Because that’s not sex. That’s rape.


Dagens Quote


“I dont want sex,
I want the things that lead up to it.
The slow kissing then the passionate kissing,
then the pulling closer, the neck kisses,
the grabbing, biting, heavy breathing, grinding,
the pauses while you catch your breath, feeling each other.
Oh my. Then sex.” <3


I want you

And I love you like i never loved someone before, and I can't have you.


He doesn't understand
He doesn’t understand my pain. He ignores the tears rolling down my face, and just gets in my face, like he’s a drill sergeant. He doesn’t understand I try. He doesn’t understand the sadness I suffer from. I only wonder if he’ll ever understand the stress and the depression I go through.


You are going to be sad
“You’re going to be sad.
You’re going to want to scream and punch things. 
Do it.
Let out every ounce of anger you have.
Sit on the floor and cry until you feel numb. 
Listen to songs that make your heart sink to your feet.
Write angry letters to all the people who have broken you, left you, ignored you or hurt you.
Throw your hairbrush at the wall.
Do it twelve times.
Do it until you feel like you can breathe again.
You’re going to be sad.
You’re going to want to hurt yourself.
Don’t you dare do it.
Sit on the floor and watch cartoons like you did when you were little.
Listen to songs that make you want to dance around your bedroom in your underwear at 3 A.M.
Make paper airplanes out of those angry letters and watch them soar into the fireplace.
Brush all the knotts out of your hair and say “I am worth it” into the mirror.
Say it twelve times.
Say it until you feel like you can breathe again. 
You’re going to be sad.
You’re going to get through it.”
things i wish i could make you understand


I feel like crying
“I felt like crying but nothing came out. it was just a sort of sad sickness, sick sad, when you can’t feel any worse. I think you know it. I think everybody knows it now and then. but I think I have known it pretty often, too often.”


Please don't go
If you go,
I don’t think I’ll write 
anything ever again.
I won’t eat
I won’t speak
I’ll waste away,
wishing I knew what to say
to make you stay.


Happy New Year! 2014 <3


Have you ever..

Wondered what made people start harming themselves? 
How much it took for them to finally reach their breaking point?
How long did it take for them to start?
How long has it been going on?
How often they do it?
How far they go?
In what way the harm?
If its just an addiction?
Are they being teased?
Maybe they blame themselves?
Maybe someone they love left?
Maybe they left themselves?
Just left there alone while the monsters in their heads consume them.

What triggers them?

I got the answer for my story.. what's your story?


The sad part..


My little life.


Lust or love?
If you only crave them at night, it’s not love, it’s lust.



Reblogged. *Unbroken*